TL;DR - Allow the 'Purchase' or 'Subscribe' CTA block on opt-in articles, instead of just the registration form.
Make paywalled articles SALES magnets, not lead magnets, for issue purchase with NEW op-tin template on home page
I want to take a paywalled article and make a lead magnet out of it. Did so today but had to make the article as a template block first (wish I could just duplicate it) and then use to create duplicate piece with same article name (but added word "PREVIEW" in front to not confuse with original piece).
Then made an opt-in for the purpose of only allowing a FADED and truncated view of the article to whet reader's appetite for the real thing. Then added a call-to-action SALES button in green that links to the page where the issue can be bought behind paywall. So far so good.
PROBLEM: But what I did won't work unless dev team helps me out. I need a NEW opt-in template that 1) will eliminate the fields asking for customer information and 2) expand content box to fill space now available to write more copy and 3) increase font size of content by 2 to 3 times to fill space. Showing with images, below, how I created prototype, and then with red Xs what I'd change, visually speaking.
If this is created, then in my free article categories I could sprinkle many article previews and make them little ISSUE salesmen instead of lead magnets to get emails/phone numbers, etc.
Thank you, dev team, for your consideration of my request.